There is a vast difference in the quality of salts on the market today. Many salts contain anti-caking agents and even dextrose (sugar). Others have been heat processed and stripped of their natural trace minerals. Our sea salt, on the other hand, is unrefined and full of natural minerals and flavor – the way salt was meant to be savored.
Use salt exactly as nature created it: nothing added, nothing taken away. Real Salt is preferred by chefs for its delicious, subtle flavor and recommended by experts because of the unrefined minerals. Have you ever wished for a secret ingredient that would make every dish you prepare taste its very best? Compared to typical sea salt, Real Salt has a much smoother flavor profile – a subtle, salty sweetness that naturally enhances the flavor of every bite. Real Salt doesn’t make your food taste like salt, it enhances the flavors you already have.

"I love to cook and bake. When I received Real Salt I tasted a small amount on my finger. It was so clean, sharp and strong. I use it in all my cooking now. I'm hooked!!"